Unlocking Your Potential: FREE Download Below
Have you ever noticed how attached our society is to doing things? We are striving and struggling to be better? The fact is, without taking action, nothing will ever change.
In this article series we’re going to offer you ways to access your potential without driving yourself to exhaustion. Goals? Yes, we need them too; but there are other things we need to do before we set about reaching them.
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Article Series # 1
Owning Your Perfection
The first step in reaching your potential without all the struggle is to own your perfection. There’s a reason why you are at this point in your life. Each moment is exactly the way it should be. You are already good enough.
Self-improvement guides can make us feel that we aren’t good enough or that others are so much better than we are. Keeping in mind that we are where we should be right now can help us relax and let go of the guilt and defeat we can feel when we look far into the future at where we want to be.
Take some time to acknowledge how far you’ve already come in your journey to being the best, most authentic you that you can be. Start your new journey towards unlocking your potential in a place of gratitude and self-compassion. This first step sets the pace for the rest of your discovery.
Article Series # 2
The Power of Journaling
Before you rush out to plan out the rest of your life, you need to figure out what your potential is. How can you find it otherwise? Before there is action, there needs to be time to ponder your life and unearth what you most desire. Many of us have been taught to accept what we have in life and not expect more. So, we bury our deepest desires so we don’t feel the constant pain of not experiencing them. This is why we need time and space to be with ourselves to learn what we truly want so we can take action to get it.
Get a journal and take the time to ask yourself some probing questions. Just free write. Don’t censor yourself. No one else will ever see this unless you show it to them. Be yourself and ask yourself when you were the happiest. What did you delight in when you were young? What can you spend hours doing without getting bored? What would you love to do, even if you never got paid to do it?
Somewhere within the answers to these questions, you will find the potential you’ve been seeking.
Article Series # 3
It Begins!
Now the real work begins. And it will be work, don’t kid yourself about that. It will take consistent effort. But, because you know your potential and the reason you are taking on the work, it will flow from you without constant effort. You will be able to get into the flow of life and enjoy the actions and activities it takes to achieve it.
First, you need to choose consciously that you want this change and you are willing to work to get it. With a solid commitment and willingness to do what it takes, you will be one of the few who actualizes their full potential. So, roll up your sleeves and prepare to set goals and then conquer them.
Article Series # 4
Setting Powerful Goals
Now that you know where you are going and trust yourself to get there, it’s time to create your goals. What needs to happen to reach your potential? What do you need to focus your attention on? There may be several outcomes you need to work towards. You may find they exist in different aspects of your life. You may need to work on building relationships, getting healthier, gaining an education or erecting boundaries. Use your journal as a way to keep track of them.
Once you have them listed out, choose one. Pick out the one you feel your potential most hinges on. Maybe you feel it would be best for you to choose the one that should take the least amount of time or effort so you can see quicker results. Or, maybe you are the type of person who likes to take on the biggest challenge first. Whatever feels right to you is the correct answer. You and only you are in charge of this journey, so do what’s best for you.
Article Series # 5
Goals on A Shorter Terms
Great big, hairy goals are great. You want to really stretch yourself out of your comfort zone. Sometimes that’s the only way to make things start to happen. But those types of long-term goals can also be overwhelming. This is where short-term goals come in.
Breaking down a 10-year plan into smaller, more immediate and releasable goals will keep you motivated because you’ll see a steady stream of progress toward that bigger goal. If you focus only on where you want to be in 10 years, you’re eventually going to get weighted down with the hugeness of it all. Instead, set short-term goals as benchmarks to celebrate your success and acknowledge that as your progress. You’ll still be meeting your big, hairy goal, but it won’t seem like such a monster feat.
Article Series # 6
Breaking Goals Down
Once you have short-term goals leading you to your big one, it’s time to break them down even further – into action steps that you will take to reach your goal, and therefore, your potential.
These should be actions that you will perform either on an ongoing basis or only once and then move on. For example, if your goal is to get healthier, the one-time action could be to rid your home of junk food, while an on-going one will be getting some exercise each day.
But either of those actions can be broken down even further so they are more doable and more measurable. So, for instance, under “Get rid of junk food” write down a list of food including what is in the fridge, in the freezer, and in the pantry. This allows you to do each of these in small time frames so they are more manageable.
As for exercising daily, come up with an amount of time and maybe types of exercises. You may decide to walk for 30 minutes on your hour lunch break each day of the week and then swim at the local pool on the weekends for 30 minutes. Those are measurable actions that you can track so you can see your progress. Breaking tasks into the smallest parts keeps you motivated.
Article Series # 7
Your Inner Circle
Staying optimistic and motivated is easier when you have a clear vision of where you are going and why. It’s also helpful to break down large goals into manageable tasks. But you may need to find other ways to keep you enthusiastic about reaching your potential.
One way to do this is to find a support team of people who have similar goals or who believe in your ability to reach your potential. These could be trusted friends or family members or groups where people meet to support one another. You can find all types of these online if there aren’t any in your area. Just make sure to join one that is supportive – a “no whine” zone is important for motivation.
Article Series # 8
The Truth About Overnight Success
This may seem counterintuitive after the last email subject of staying motivated, but it’s really not. You should expect to experience obstacles and small failures along the way. Being mentally prepared for them will make it easier to overcome them and to see them as a learning experience rather than a sign you can’t reach your goal.
You may read about “overnight success stories” where people magically made all their dreams come true. What those stories don’t tell you is how many times the person tried before and failed. Or about all the obstacles they had to overcome. When the truth is told, “overnight” usually consisted of many years until one day, it all came together.
This can happen for you too. You just have to stick with it, even when it gets tough. A good way to prepare for these challenges is to make a list of things you’ll do when you come up against one. You might include things on this list like calling your biggest fan to talk it out, taking yourself out for a nice, healthy dinner, taking a nap, eating your favorite chocolate, enjoying your favorite pastime, or just taking a day off from it all.
Article Series # 9
Believe In Yourself
In our last email, we want to remind you to keep the faith. If other people have reached their potential, so can you. Trust in your abilities. Remember where we started with this topic – your potential is already within you. You just have to mine down to find and activate it. You wouldn’t have this exact potential if you didn’t also have the talents, skills, and abilities to reach it.
We also want to encourage you to listen to your intuition. That small still voice that guides you is a direct line to your potential. If you listen closely and trust it, it will lead you to exactly what steps you should take to make your dreams come true. Trust it even when it seems illogical. It will never steer you wrong.
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