Is the end of your school career looming in the near future? Does the thought of possibly not finding a job trouble you? Do you consider becoming an entrepreneur and manage your own business?
Then we first of all have to take a close look at the characteristics associated with successful entrepreneurs.
Do you possess the characteristics?
Top form entrepreneurs have a strong-minded will to do their own thing. They want to be in charge, managing their business successfully. They have no intention to work for somebody else.
Your successful entrepreneur is an energetic person. He is always busy, chasing results and taking new opportunities to do business. They surely know how to manage their time.
A true entrepreneur makes things happen and thrives on creativity and initiative. For him/her a dream has to become a reality and produce results. Such an entrepreneur is resourceful and inventive in finding creative ideas and solutions.
Most people prefer to stay in their comfort zones, and in the process avoid change and uncertainty. Your successful entrepreneur on the other hand thrives on new challenges, taking calculated risks and chasing the opportunities at hand. For them taking on a challenge is the spice of life.
Worldwide known entrepreneurs who are top of the charts have the ability and willpower to chase the goals they have set for themselves and their companies. They will keep at it until the set outcome is reached. Even an initial failure will not keep them from reaching the top. These entrepreneurs will keep going and find their own fate and fortune.
Of one thing you can be sure – they have the ability to make things happen. They allow nothing to stand in their way on the road to success.
A further strength these successful entrepreneurs have in abundance is their power of persuasion. This is often their most important weapon to succeed. Imagine yourself having to convince people or financial institutions to lend you money, to purchase products from you or work for your company. This is not so easy as it sounds.
There are profile tests available by which you as an aspiring entrepreneur can assess whether you have the typical character traits of a successful entrepreneur. Remember the world of the entrepreneur is thrilling, challenging and if done correctly, absolutely rewarding.
Guest blogger: Prof Tommy du Plessis, Director of the Potchefstroom Business School at the North West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa.