Sustainable Tourism in Agriculture I am very deeply involved in sustainable tourism development. My career took a turn a few years ago, when I decided to leave the banking world, in particular financial services, and start three new ventures: 1) start my own business, 2) pursue my PhD in sustainable tourism for smaller businesses and…
Read moreMake Your Dream Real and You Successful
MAKE YOUR DREAM REAL AND YOU SUCCESSFUL Are you 18 years old or younger? Do you have a dream of what you want to become when you complete your formal schooling? Are you passionate about what your dream is all about? Does your dream open the door for you to become a successful entrepreneur, to…
Read moreEmotional Intelligence (EI) and the Entrepreneur
The role that Emotions play in the personal life of an entrepreneur is of vital importance. In fact, it can influence functioning in all life areas positively or negatively. However, most often we are not even aware that our emotions or feelings determine if we are going to start with and complete a specific task…
Read moreEntrepreneur since childhood
Entrepreneur since childhood Welcome! Are you worried about your child’s future? The possibility of him or her being unemployed somewhere in the future. Where they will find work, earn a decent income, be successful, wealthy and above all be happy. Maybe your child is experiencing similar thoughts. Having to choose specific subjects, or making a…
Children look to their parents for guidance on how to find the most rewarding way through a world that is increasingly inundated with conflict. Childhood is the ideal training ground for equipping children with the negotiation insights and skills they will need to discover and successfully navigate their way within their families, communities and schools….
Read moreDEVELOPING MY PERSONAL Mission Statement
Leo Steyl’s Personal Mission Statement Series –Part 3 of 4 The purpose of this article is to guide, support and inspire you further to create possible associations and to develop your own ideas by using certain keywords (Worksheet A) and sentence completion (Worksheet B) respectively, that I have found useful to make the process of…
Read more2 Examples of a Personal Mission Statement
In the previous article “12 Tips to Develop a Personal Mission Statement” I have explained the what, why and how of such a statement. Let us start demonstrating the creation of a personal mission statement now by looking together at examples of a personal mission statement. Just read through the examples in your own time,…
Read more‘n Entrepreneur Kan Weer Opstaan!
Aangesien daar ‘n verstaanbare tendens is om die besigheidskomponent van entrepreneurskap te beklemtoon, dink ek dit is nodig om net weer opnuut daarvan bewus te raak dat die entrepreneur in die eerste plek ‘n mens is. Dit is ‘n realiteit dat daar altyd iets in ‘n mens se lewe gebeur. Soos alle mense het die…
5 KREATIEWE IDEES OM DANKIE TE Sê Kom ek vra jou gou 2 vragies: • Hou jy daarva om ‘n geskenk te ontvang? Ja, ons hou almal daarvan!!! • Hou jy daarvan om vir iemand vir wie jy lief is, ‘n geskenk te gee en saam daarmee “geluk” of “dankie” te sê? Ja dit is…
Die sleutelrol wat emosionele intelligensie in entrepreneurswese speel, kry nie genoeg erkenning nie. Dit word nie op ‘n natuurlike en doeltreffende wyse tydens die opvoedingsproses beklemtoon en ontwikkel nie. Een van die grootste geskenke wat enige ouer vir ‘n kind kan gee, is om hom/haar geleidelik van kleinsaf te help, lei, ondersteun en deur die…
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