Are you dreaming of one day having your own business? Maybe you do have a hobby which could in time to come, become a business? Take a look at what our friend Willem is busy doing.
Walking down the corridor of a shopping mall recently, I noticed about 15 people crowding together. Coming closer I saw more than half of them were children. To my surprise, there was a young boy selling Candy Floss.
Next to him was his mother. I stood there watching Willem, 8 years old, going about his business.
He was obviously enjoying what he was doing, as that smile on his face said it all. His hand were working the Candy Floss. His customers had a choice, take candy on the stick and start eating or have it put into a plastic bag to take along. This was where mom came into the picture. She also handled the money matters as Willem’s hands were too sticky with sugar. To my surprise older people also joined the queue, they were obviously still enjoying their Candy Floss, or who knows, they were just supporting the young entrepreneur.
Willem knew what he wanted to achieve and he put his idea into action. Yes, you are right, he wanted to make money. He was passionate about his business and was enjoying his success. He had the know-how and skills to produce a very tasty product. He had excellent support from his mother. He knew how to price his product, allowing him, after all expenses were paid, to make a handsome profit. He had satisfied customers who would certainly support him further on. He gained a lot of experience in customer care and service. His self confidence certainly improved. His business has the potential and proved itself to grow into something bigger.
How do you feel about this? This idea of Willem can certainly encourage you to be innovative and come up with some of your own ideas, which can lead to a business opportunity.
Leave a comment and let me know what ideas you have and we can work on it together.